Top 5 foods to avoid are inflating the stomach

You are tired of not having the flat stomach you have in the morning. Just you to finish your lunch plate, for this stomach swelled throughout the day with this very uncomfortable bloated feeling. Obviously, there is something in your diet that will not. To help you find out why your stomach remains swollen, here's a list of foods to avoid to eat on a daily basis or limit to no longer to have this feeling.

1 - White bread.


White bread is inflate the stomach as it digests are evil and little cause digestive disorders. If you're a big bread eater and you're tired of having a bloated stomach replace it with whole grain bread. Unlike the white bread, he brings twice the fibre which facilitates intestinal transit and gives a feeling of satiety

 2 - Raw vegetables

Although raw vegetables are good for your line and your health, raw vegetables are inflating the stomach (including cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts) because they ferment to destroy dietary fiber. This causes a slowing of digestion as well as u n release of the gas. To avoid having a belly swell too, eat baked goods vegetables that will facilitate. digestion

3 - Dairy products


Dairy products such as milk, cream, some put milk desserts except for yogurt, contain lactose, which must be digested with enzymes, the lactase. These dairy products are more difficult to digest If the lactase are not numerous enough in your body. If this is the case, consume yogurt fermented milk or consuming plant milk (soy, almond..)

4 - Soft drinks

Soft drinks are rich in gas, this is why your stomach swells after drinking but also because you swallow air at the same time. Generally soft drinks are bad for health. Prefer the pressed juice or water that will bring you only good for your body

5 - Cabbage


Excellent for health as low in calories, cabbage like cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, are vegetables, which tend to ferment and cause flatulence. To avoid feeling bloated eat them cooked with green vegetables to help your stomach to digest them more easily

Top 5 foods to avoid are inflating the stomach Top 5 foods to avoid are inflating the stomach Reviewed by Unknown on 4:17 PM Rating: 5

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