Riptide - 17 Women have not heard about them !

To be the man against power is normal, if the man against whom prevails in a traditional society is may be distinctive, but being a woman against the current is definitely something completely different!

How, then, a group of women who Agafn against the current in a closed society! Or in a non-conscious society! And that surpassed Boukovhn this decision and outlawed and banned!

The rebellion is not a woman to walk naked as some try to show it, take off her clothes and walk down the street! That does not mean everything. Women's insurrection lies in the obsolete concept breakdown is far from being eradicated, and usually surpasses Qmaih safely around the world, but was forced to stop in general, the whole community in the process!

Insurgency is not disguised interpreted by some insane, insurrection is extraordinary matter and pupils over age and sex, and even on color!

Here we have a group of women, namely 17 women, rose above the reign and stood against the current, but may have been ignored in this year - 2016 - is the reason why we highlight, and Introduce yourself to them.

1 -  Girl Show

Girl against the police

During one of the demonstrations in Chile, this girl shows a man looking at the appearance of the police to an obvious challenge for the steps of his face. This girl was among the demonstrators at the annual event that opposes the military coup in Chile, which took place in 1973.

According to some newspapers, take the photo of this girl to the police to arrest people randomly, said the photographer who took the picture, the girl stood in front of the officer while carrying out the attack on the rally, Indicating that the challenge is standing here has begun!

2 -  against harassment

Weapons against harassment.
A group of women in Mexico are fighting harassment by firearms and stuffed pastry guns they give in the face of the stalker, in addition to singing kind of music!

Almtwajaddat this group of women in Mexico City, they decided to face harassment in the streets through art and singing! Whenever one of them tried to harass, they sang a particular song or called pieces of paper from plastic pistols.

3 -  a woman to survive

A woman from a rescue team

(Megan Hein), a natural expert on survival, summarized her career in training researchers and scientists while bringing serious things necessary to carry out their research, especially when it is in a critical and hard to reach location .

Expert Hein is not against the current, but also against animals, especially black, as he was attacked by a group of blacks in regular exercises performed, but luck was his ally and was able to escape and to survive!

4 -  the attainment of dreams before marriage


Evening african brown girl

(AESA Shaibu) activists against early marriage, especially that her father wanted to marry his cousin when she was at the age of 16, but she refused and committed to a firm stand against it.

He currently studies medicine, seeking to become a distinctive physician. It must be said that the marriage of the devil, which was Saktefha to the age of flowers, which is grown in the man's garden would probably be his main concern is restricted to all except for the realization of his dreams!

He said in one of his encounters with the BBC since childhood, he had dreamed he wore a white coat and healed people, said that it is well known that the study is not easy, but everything there is to fight in the process .

5 -  bike ride

Of course Suleiman - cycling in Gaza

(Suleiman Insurance) In the Gaza Strip, she led a group of women into groups of bicycle safety races that set the challenge of banning the community - unwritten - to run the bike for women.

It is safe with the challenged habit that takes effect in society, and resulted in the bicycle in a public place and ahead of all! What is considered as something embarrassing and contrary to custom and tradition.

It is safe for the New York Times in Taguibaa the incident, the bike is wonderful, indescribable feeling that Thgayn!

6 -  Children's literature is not the only blonde!


Children's Literature Summer Color

(Marley Dias) 11-year-old girl has collected thousands of books on black girls as part of the campaign designed to increase diversity in literature for children hoisted in a style of literature, blonde and white eyes!

Dias has collected about 7,000 books on the subject, which is dedicated to him, said he began his journey through the libraries have helped him in this, especially because a passionate books since childhood.

7 -  judicial women


The Judiciary of Women

Three female MPH judges convicted by a military commander responsible for the rape of some of the girls during the period of armed military conflicts in Central Africa.

The judges asked the person responsible for them because of their heinous crime of rape during the bloody conflict in Africa.

A UN patrol thinkers have said that the government may have a bit different if they were men, not women!

8 -  Girls of Orchestra


The girls of the Afghan women's orchestra

(Negin Balak) 19-year-old daughter, heads the orchestra of Afghan girls who risked their lives during the band's formation, which has not been seen in modern Afghan history like her!

Said Balak, and with her, her goal behind this gang to change the dominant image of Afghanistan in the world, also want to raise awareness of women's issues and rights.

9 -  The brunette Miss ... why not?


Mamina candidate Deggama Maamuru Miss Australia

(Mamina Deggama Maamuru) 19-year-old daughter, too, but the indigenous populations of Australia, which has always had bad and blurred the image of a large number of people and even Australians themselves.

Maamuru represented the Northern Territory in Australia in Miss Australia, and some said in commenting the case of the current Maamuru broke out when Australians made the color of the beauty of blue eyes and blonde hair!

10 -  sailing Olympic sports

Muhammad Olympic sports cheering hijab

(Greetings Mohammad Sport) United States participated in the Olympics to wear a scarf and worry-free!

He talked about it saying that he had a lot of harassment and racist insults by the color of their skin, on the one hand, and because of their hijab hand. But they do not pay attention to their fate, and said he was just a normal girl with a veil!

11 -  authorized refugees

Swim Mardini syrian port

Under the international inability to do anything about the refugee issue, but there was a girl from her last position on it, especially since the pool, on the one hand, and in particular that The Mardini left the other!

(Left Mardini) women who risked their lives to rescue the refugees at sea, such as swimming for 3 hours to save 20 refugees was about to drown in the presentation of the Mediterranean during its attitude towards Europe.

12 -  Entrepreneurship is not the space age



The age of the astronaut

(Peggy Whitson) of Tmrdn women against a lifetime! Yes, it was Whitson 56, he was the largest online women's space! Whitson traveled twice in space and in the months of November to November - has access again!

Expressed feelings  on Twitter said: Do the best and be great and positive dreams Ahelmoa.

13 -  victim of informal fashion

The occasional in the way distorted as a result of a deliberate accident

(Reshma Qureshi) woman survived acid attack, caustic acid on her face during a weekly fashion show in New York City in the United States of America.

Reshma said in a statement about what happened, why we should not enjoy our lives! What happened to us was not our fault at all. We commit any crime or fault! Therefore, it will not be silent and we will continue our way forward.

She said, I do not want the world to look at us like we are a small dark Satefoha flashlight, but he kept strong passion capable of doing great things we did not expect!

14 -  Women's Safety Equipment



Women's United Security Team

Woman security team to protect Camilla - Duchess of Cornwall - during a visit to the United Arab Emirates.

The team is something new in a society that is dominated by men, especially this woman's team has not only limited herself to Duke protection, but had other activities, such as climbing Mount Everest!

15 -  women's protests

Arguing at a rally in the Dakota woman

The women and girls of America to protest against allowing pipelines to cross Dakota of their lands, were denied to long traffic there by more than a step of decades.

The photograph was taken by one of the co demonstrators with them, and was posted on the social network Twitter.

In a statement by a university on the subject they said that unexpected demonstrations especially when women who cling firmly to their land and their country of origin.

16 -  Efficiency Wages


Women in Ireland protest against low wages of men

Thousands of women in Iceland leave work because of the government's policy on gender discrimination, and increase wages for male and female wage loss!

Experts say that the gender gap in Iceland wages has become a big, with the difference ranging from 14 to 18 percent among women and men staff employees, the result has been this obvious manifestations in the picture.

17 -  A woman in front of 300 footmen


Woman standing against the neo-Nazis

(Tess Asplund) woman, the photo was taken holding firm face of a demonstration composed of 300 people of neo-Nazis in a demonstration organized by the extreme right in Sweden.

Asplund said in a statement to The Guardian that applies felt the adrenalin in your body when he saw the demonstration, adding that this is an unbearable hell, these Nazis should not have to walk down the street and they should be present here !

Riptide - 17 Women have not heard about them ! Riptide -  17 Women have not heard about them ! Reviewed by Unknown on 2:27 PM Rating: 5

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